Signs and Realities

2-6 September 2024, Warsaw, Poland 

16th World Congress of the IASS/AIS

16th World Congress of the IASS/AIS
2th   September 2024

It's our pleasure to extend a cheerful welcome to you all!

The theme of the 16th World Congress of the IASS-AIS will be ‘Signs and Realities’, involving the experiential and inferential phenomena that make up the basis of semiotic interpretation and communication. These two categories of objects are mediated by the role of cognising and knowing agents. The notion of an agency is related to the category of the human subject, who plays the role of producer, user, interpreter, cognizer and knower of signs or realities. Taken separately, sign or reality will be approached according to their essential and relational properties. The sign may be considered as an object of static classification or dynamic analysis. On the one hand, practitioners of structuralist-oriented explorations might be interested in the definition of sign with respect to other signifying exponents, making up various kinds of semiotic systems in language and culture, such as index, stimulus, symptom, signal, appeal, or symbol. On the other hand, followers of poststructuralist movements, exposing the dynamic analyses of sign-production systems, possibly may pay attention to multitextual and multivoiced transmedia literacy appearing across multiple communication channels, which go in pairs with the multimodality of semiotic discourses. As to reality itself, regarded in terms of sign systems, it may become an object of semiotics, or seen as a synonym of the world, it may constitute an object of cosmology. In this context, linguists and logicians, who perceive the extralinguistic or extrasemiotic reality as a meaningful object of reference signified by its meaning carrier, might prefer to talk over the relationship between the sign (name) and its reference (named or reality, or designate) dealing with them in terms of denotations and connotations, where the appearance of the sign presupposes the occurrence of observed or inferred scope and content of reality. Moreover, there is a third component which has to be added as an object of semiotic inquiry, namely an interpreting sign, or an interpreting agent, that mediates between the sign and its designated reality. When inferred with reference to multiple meanings, it can include possible worlds. Considered, however, as an object of cosmological studies, reality could also be seen as composed of various kinds of geospheres, where the cultural semiosphere and the noosphere appear in the neighbourhood of the natural biosphere, along with the lithosphere and hydrosphere as parts of planet Earth.

September 12, 2024
Call for paper
We are pleased to announce a call for papers for the monograph
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August 22, 2024
Practical information
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August 15, 2024
Dear presenter, We would like to ask you to read the following guidelines regarding your presentation.
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May 16, 2024
IASS Scholarships 2024
We are delighted to be able to announce the process for IASS Scholarship applications.
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Panels proposal submission closes
15 January 2024
Notification of panels acceptance
20 January 2024
Abstracts submission opens
15 April 2024 (extended)
Abstracts submission closes
15 May 2024
Notification of abstracts acceptance
31 May 2024
Deadline for early bird fee registration & payment
30 June 2024
Deadline for regular fee registration & payment
31 July 2024
Deadline for late fee registration & payment


At this years conference, you’ll hear from experts from all around the world

All speakers

The investigative questions that will be posed during the 16th World Congress of IASS-AIS might concentrate inter alia, albeit not exclusively, around the following samples of topics or panels (with Conveners):


[NTO] Arts and Semiotics (chaired by Anna Maria Lorusso)
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[NTO] Communication, Culture, Society (chaired by Anna Cisło)
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[NTO] Pedagogy, Education, and Semiotics (chaired by Agnieszka Kuczyńska)
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[TO] Conceptions of the Worldhood in Phenomenological, Metaphysical, and Mythical Thought (chaired by Magdalena Elżbieta Wąsik)
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[TO] Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Modelling Systems of Reality (chaired by Richard L. Lanigan)
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[TO] Architectural, urban and visual semiotics (chaired by Alexandros Ph. Lagopoulos)
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[TO] Text and Text-Processing Activities Associated with Different Types of Discourse (chaired by Rossana De Angelis)
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[PA] Semiotics and National Identity (Sebastián Moreno Barreneche)
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[PA] Semiotics of Religion (Jenny Ponzo, Massimo Leone)
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[PA] Semiotics of Guilt. Reconstructing Collective Shame and False Confessions in Digital Media and Beyond (Cristina Greco)
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[PA] Pluriverses of Latin American Semiotics (Germán García, Mónica Cataño, Andrés Castiblanco)
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[PA] Facing Multiple-Realities: Semio-Anthropology and Cultural Worlds (Ludovic Châtenet, Angelo Di Caterino)
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[PA] Semiotics of Political and Strategic Communication: Unpacking Semiotic Processes, Conflict, and Security in Modern Society (Andreas Ventsel, Ott Puumeister)
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[PA] Signs and Realities in the Semiotics Discourse of Space and Time (Dragana Vasilski, International Association for Semiotics of Space and Time)
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[PA] On Aboutness / The Sign we Missed: Semiotics of the Artifact (Barend Van Heusden)
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[PA] Enunciation and Pragmatics: Sociosemiotics and Culture in Digital Times (Eliseo Colon-Zayas)
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[PA] Transference between Realities: Semiotic Relativity and Umwelt Building (Hongbing Yu)
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[PA] Sign of Disaster, Disaster of Sign (Mohamed Bernoussi)
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[PA] Semiotic Wars: A Study of Semiotic Weaponisation (Robert Boroch)
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[PA] Communicology: Reality Convergence of Semiology and Phenomenology (Richard L. Lanigan, Jacqueline Martinez)
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[PA] The Nature of Iconicity (Nastazja Stoch, Aleksandra Horecka, Piotr Kozak)
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[PA] Semiotics of Industrial Art: between Technology, Politics and Senses (Jia Peng, Alin Olteanu, Jorge Urueña Lopez)
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[PA] (Re)Designing Realities (Rodrigo Morais, Roberto Chiachiri, Camila Nascimento, Samuel Rodeia, Gonçalo Figueiredo)
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[PA] Semiotics and the Elderly: Embracing a Semiotic Approach to Understanding an Ageing Society (Federico Bellentani, Massimo Leone)
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[PA] Aspects of the Prosaic (Semir Badir, Carolina Lindenberg Lemos)
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[PA] Semiotic Explorations of Ecology (in Design, Architecture, Urbanism, Landscaping) (Isabel Marcos, Claudio Guerri)
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[PA] Semiotics of Nature-Culture Relations (Katarzyna Machtyl)
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[PA] Faces Reloaded: Rebirth, Reproduction, Revival, and Regeneration in Digital Semiotics (Massimo Leone, Cristina Voto)
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[PA] How Do We Exist With Our Signs... On the Epistemological Foundations of Semiotics (Eero Tarasti)
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[PA] Internaturality and Meaning (Gianfranco Marrone, Tiziana Migliore)
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[PA] Women, Femininity, and Gender…Who We Gonna Call? Semiotics! (Cristina Voto, Maria Giulia Dondero, Marita Soto, Daria Arkhipova, Alunimé Rosso)
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[PA] Semiotic and Artistic Realities (Małgorzata Gamrat)
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[PA] Jerzy Pelc and Polish Semiotics (Tadeusz Ciecierski, Małgorzata Gamrat, Filip Kawczyński)
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[PA] Semiotics of Sustainability: Reinterpreting Waste and Cultural Heritage (Francesco Mazzucchelli, Elonora Chiais, Massimo Leone)
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[PA] 40 Years of Musical Semiotics (Małgorzata Gamrat, Eero Tarasti)
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[PA] Semiotic Approaches to Image Generation Models (Maria Giulia Dondero, International Association for Visual Semiotics)
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[PA] On Sign Typologies: Indices, Index and the Connection between Sign and Reality (Semir Badir, Eugenio Israel Chávez Barreto)
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[PA] Enunciation and Reality (Ivan Darrault-Harris, Denis Bertrand)
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[PA] Semiotics of Consumption (Paulina Gómez Lorenzini, Liliana De Simone, Vanessa Saiz, Rafael Orlandini, Clotilde Perez, Clarissa Gagliardi)
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[PA] Fashion, Semiotics and Reality: How Fashion Designs Gender Realities? (José María Paz Gago, Bianca Terracciano, Maya Marx Starque, Giulia Adriana Ceriani, Román Padín, Janiene Santos, Mirela Perez, Jacqueline Ausier, André Peruzzo, Andréia Meneguete)
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[PA] Semiosis in Platformization and Digital Mediation (Eneus Trindade, Arlete Dos Santos Petry, Filipe Perez)
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[PA] Multiple Panoramas of Latin American Semiotics (Emiliano Vargas, Baal Delupi, Mónica Santillán, Roberto Chiachiri, Neyla G. Pardo Abril, Luis Ospina)
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[PA] Sign Systems and Sign Users in Ecological Settings (Elżbieta Magdalena Wąsik)
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[PA] Brand Semiotics (Silvio Sato, Paulo Lencastre, Nuno Corte-Real, Carolina Boari)
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[PA] Semiotics of Human Rights (Roberto Chiachiri, Maria Ogécia Drigo, Luciana Coutinho Pagliarini de Souza, Maria Alzira de Almeida Pimenta, Clotilde Perez)
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[PA] Semiotics of Sexual-Emotional Relations: From Post-Confinement to Artificial Intelligence, Including Dating Sites and Video Games (Rafael Del Villar, José Miguel Labrin)
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[PA] Social Realities in Crisis and Pathways to Peace: Semioethical Perspectives on Signs, Languages, Ideologies, and Their (Mis)Interpretation (Susan Petrilli, Devon Schiller)
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[PA] General Semiotics: Blending Structuralism and Pragmatism (Jamin Pelkey, Tyler James Bennett, Ľudmila Bennett)
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[PA] The Role of Signs for Representing Contested Realities in Media, Text and Performance (Muthiah Ramakrishnan, Burla Venkata Naresh)
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[PA] Unresolved Problems in Biosemiotics (Donald Favareau, Kalevi Kull, Joshua Bacigalupi)
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[PA] Semiotics of Videogames, Interactive, and Generative Media (Kristian Bankov, Everardo Reyes, Mattia Thibault)
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[PA] Forgotten Semiotics / Semiotic Forgetting (Daina Teters)
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[PA] Hidden Orders Behind Visual Cultures (Daina Teters, MetaMind Group)
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[PA] Advertising Semiotics (Bruno Pompeu, Ana Elisa Antunes Viviani, Maria Ogécia Drigo, Roberto Schmidt, Rogério Covaleski, João Ciaco)
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[PA] Logical Semiotics in Poland (Anna Brożek, The Lvov-Warsaw School Research Center)
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[PA] Semiotic Diversity (Anne Hénault, Maria-Giulia Dondero, Jean-François Bordron, Enzo D’Armenio)
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